The key thing to remember is that every subsystem is associated with a queue, and it is the queue length that needs to be monitored. 需要重点记住的一点是,每个子系统都与一个队列相关联,并且其长度就是需要监控的队列长度。
On Windows NT, the disk queue length is the best indicator of I/ O saturation, and it should be less than the number of disks in the data RAID set minus one. 在WindowsNT上,磁盘队列长度是I/O饱和程度的最好指示器,并且它应该小于数据RAID集中的磁盘数减去1。
The request-processing time and the queue length are proper measures for the system administrator to monitor in order to make decisions about adding servers or shutting down superfluous servers. 请求处理时间和队列长度是一个很好的度量指标,系统管理员通过监控它们来决定是增加服务器,还是关掉多余的服务器。
We analyzed the logical disk object, average disk queue length, and percent of disk time. 我们分析了逻辑磁盘目标、平均磁盘队列长度以及磁盘时间百分比。
The average disk queue length was greater than the number of physical drives in the array (> 6), indicating that writes and reads were waiting on disk to finish. 平均磁盘队列长度比矩阵中的物理驱动器的数量大(>6),这表明读和写正在等待磁盘完成。
Run Queue Length by Memory and Number of Users chart 内存和用户数量对运行队列长度的影响
In this paper, it is shown a new scheme called early selective drop ( ESD) that uses both load and average queue length to determine congestion and pa. 结合平均队列和负载衡量拥塞,实现选择性丢包,提出早期选择性丢包算法(ESD)。
Change rate models of equivalent queue length for congested traffic flow 拥挤交通流当量排队长度变化率模型
Some Comparisons for Queue Length in Bulk Arrival and Bulk Service System 成批到达和成批服务系统排队长度的一些比较
The Transient Distribution of Queue Length for N-Strategy GI/ G/ 1 Queueing System N-策略GI/G/1排队系统瞬时队长分布
Matching Algorithm with Queue Length Weighted Service for Input Queued Switches 队列长度加权服务的输入排队交换结构匹配算法
Queue Length in Polling System with a Non-interrupted Prior Queueing 具有非抢占优先站点的轮询系统顾客队长
Moreover, a simulation experiment shows that using global vehicle queue length as performance index is effective to improve running efficiency of urban network. 仿真试验结果表明:以关联交叉口总体排队长度最小为优化指标的交通流预测控制策略,可提高关联交叉口的总体通行效率。
Furthermore, we get stochastic decomposition structures of stationary indices, meanwhile, obtain the distributions of the additional queue length and additional delay. 进一步,得到稳态指标的随机分解结果及附加队长和附加延迟的分布。
Application of anti-outlier Kalman filter in prediction of queue length 抗野值卡尔曼滤波器在排队长度预测中的应用
The method adopted the self-discarding packet technique that was a means of determining transfer by comparing the queue length of the transiting router with a specified queue value on the packet. 该方法采用数据包丢失技术,通过比较传送的数据报文中的特殊队列值和所经过的路由器中数据包的排队队列长度值来决定是否对当前数据报文丢弃。
Adaptive net access delay algorithm based on queue length 基于缓存队列长度的自适应网络接入延迟算法
Then we gain the stochastic decomposition structure of queue length and sojourn time in the stationary state and obtain the distributions for additional queue length and additional delay time. 此外,我们也得到了队长和逗留时间的随机分解结构及附加队长和附加延迟的分布。
It is based on the shortest queue length of nodes and designed by crossing network layer, MAC layer and physical layer. 该算法通过节点最短队列长度,把网络层、MAC层和物理层协同起来。
Weighted Scheduling Based-on Queue Length and Queue Delay Restriction for Asynchronous Optical Packet Switch 基于队列长度和时延约束的异步OPS权重调度
The simulation results show measurable improvement in both queue length and throughput. 仿真结果显示算法在队列长度以及吞吐量方面都取得了不错的效果。
Queue Length in the Gated Service and Limited Service Polling Systems with Bernoulli Feedback 具有贝努利反馈的门限服务与有限服务轮询系统的队长
The load average is the sum of the run queue length and the number of jobs currently running on the CPUs. 平均负载是系统等待运行队列的长度与当前所有CPU中正在运行的工作的和。
Current Connection Queue Length is the current number of connection requests that are pending on the server. 当前连接队列长度是指服务器上当前等待处理的连接请求的数量。
The algorithm calculated packet loss rate according to the average queue length and waiting time. 这种算法根据平均队列长度和等待时间计算数据包的丢弃概率。
The number of notify buffer free queue length. 通知缓冲区可用队列长度个数。
The improvement method for reduction of queue length was presented with emphasis on reducing the fluctuation of task completion time. 重点在减小任务完成时间的波动等方面,给出了减小队列长度的改进方法。
The queue length distribution of M/ G/ 1/ ∞ repairable queueing system with delay repair time 修理有延迟的M/G/1/∞可修排队系统的队长分布
In infinite buffer size, dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme got shorter queue length than fixed bandwidth allocation scheme. 在无限缓存情况下,动态带宽分配方案比固定带宽分配方案有更短的队列长度,缩短了转发延时,保障了业务的服务质量。
Using balance equation and probability generating function, we can get the steady-state distribution for the queue length. 通过平衡方程和概率生成函数,我们可以得到队长的平稳分布。